The Customer Address entity is one of the different entities in Microsoft dynamics CRM. This entity stores the address for accounts and contacts. But there is something special about this entity. Below are the few points which I could find during my experience with this entity.
· The address fields on account and contact are pointers to the records in the customer address entity: The account and contact entity have address1_street1, address1_city, address1_stateorprovince, etc. and a set of address2 fields. When an account or a contact is created the values entered in these fields are stored in the customer address entity. So, the fields on the account or contact are pointers to the records in the address entity. If the values are not entered in these fields CRM creates two blank records in the customer address entity. CRM takes care of keeping these two entities in sync. If the address values are changed on the account or the contact record, the associated records in the customer address entity are updated automatically.
·Address entity cannot be customized: You cannot modify the relationship mappings with Account and contact entity. Also, you cannot create relationships with any other entity. Also, the customer address entity is not available on security roles.
·The first two Address (address1 and address2) records that the CRM creates are hidden in the “More Addresses” associated view on the Account or Contact
·The account or the contact lookup cannot be added on the address records: In the case of Addresses, the only thing stored in the Address table is a field for the GUID. Without the name of the related object .Thus, the lookup view is normal as other entities.
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