Tuesday, September 9, 2014

MS CRM 2011 Entity Images

PreEntityImages :(Gets the properties of the primary entity before the core platform operation has begins)

PreEntityImages used to capture the data when the form loads. That is the data which is present by default when the form loads.  The syntax for using the PreEntityImages in CRM 2011 is changed as compared to CRM 4.0.

Note:The PreEntityImages cannot be registered for “create” operation.

Syntax Used in CRM 2011 :

Suppose you registered the Plugin and added a Image with name “PreImage ”

public EntityImageCollection PreEntityImages { get;}
PostEntityImages : (Gets the properties of the primary entity after the core platform operation has been completed. )

The PostEntityImages contains the attributes value which are finally changed. We can capture the changed data before the database operation takes place. And can do any kind of validation based on the changed data.

Note: PostEntityImages can only be registered  for Update message and cannot be registered on Create message.

Syntax Used in CRM 2011 :

Suppose you registered the Plugin and added a Image with name “PostImage ”


public EntityImageCollection PostEntityImages { get; }

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